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Hemp is a treasure of well-being.

Hemp (cannabis sativa L.) is an ancestral plant with many virtues. Our products offer you 100% natural answers to your stress, sleep, pain and smoking cessation problems.

Stress management

In the psychological field, cannabinoids and terpenes have relaxing properties, reducing stress, anxiety and anxiety attacks, which often lead to sleep problems. CBD is a great ally in helping you regain a state of inner well-being.

Improved sleep
CBD and the other active ingredients found in hemp flower (cannabinoids and terpenes) help you fall asleep and enjoy a deep, restorative sleep.
Pain relief
Cannabinoids and terpenes are recognized for their anti-inflammatory properties. CBD thus has analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties, enabling it to relieve certain types of pain, whether peripheral, centralized or neuropathic.
Smoking cessation aid
CBD's anxiolytic properties give it real potential in smoking cessation and other addictions. One of the few tobacco substitutes on the market, our exclusive plant blends offer a natural, nicotine-free alternative to help you meet the challenge of a tobacco-free life.

Source : Santé Mag

Hemp is a treasure for our environment.

Hemp combines a number of ecological properties: it's a zero waste plant, and requires no chemicals or irrigation to grow.


Hemp can be used to regenerate soils, improving water retention, fertility and nutrient supply. Its high density per m2 and rapid growth rate enable weeds to be suppressed, leaving a clean field for the following crop. This miracle plant is therefore useful for the development of regenerating biodiversity.

A negative carbon footprint

Thanks to photosynthesis, the hemp plant is able to store considerable quantities of carbon in its stems, roots and surrounding soil. Consequently, its production has a negative carbon footprint: hemp absorbs more CO2 during its growth than is emitted by the equipment used to process and transport it. According to a recent study by Cambridge University's Centre for Natural Material Innovation, hemp plants can capture CO2 twice as efficiently as forests.

This means that hemp could meet some of the major challenges we face, including the fight against air and soil pollution and the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.

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