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From seed to product

Sown and grown in the French Basque Country, our hemp and medicinal and aromatic plants are picked, dried, sorted, cleaned and bagged on our farm. All these steps are carried out by hand, in the traditional way.

La maitrise de la totalité du processus de fabrication de nos produits composés de cannabinoïdes, flavonoïdes et terpenes, issus du chanvre nous permet de vous garantir une qualité exceptionnelle et un produit éthique 100% naturel, authentique, sans ajout. ​


The culture of well-being is in our DNA.

At Oihana, we combine plant science and traditional techniques to give plants everything they need, with the purest respect for nature. This guarantees you an authentic product, in which you'll find all the treasures of hemp and other medicinal and natural plants.

medicinal and aromatic plants.


La qualité est pour nous un principe non négociable. Et notre objectif est clair : créer des produits à base de CBD et d’autres principes actifs tels que le CBG, le CBC, les terpènes, d'une qualité et d'une efficacité remarquables, tout en respectant la nature et notre environnement.

For us, quality is a non-negotiable principle. And our aim is clear: to create products based on CBD and other active ingredients such as CBG, CBC and terpenes, of remarkable quality and efficacy, while respecting nature and our environment.

More than a brand,
a state of mind.

One of the most profound lessons we've learned since the beginning of our adventure is the immense importance of cultivating a shared mindset and common goals. True success stems not only from the skills of an individual or an organization, but also from an alignment of values, beliefs and aspirations.


When everyone involved shares a common purpose and works towards a unified goal, extraordinary things can happen.

That's what happened when Oihana was created.

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